本文共 9479 字,大约阅读时间需要 31 分钟。
#源文件[root@localhost ~]# cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eno16777728 test.txt#第二行后追加TYPE=Ethernet [root@localhost ~]# sed '2a TYPE=Ethernet' test.txt#第三行前插入TYPE=Ethernet sed '3i TYPE=Ethernet' test.txt#将文本中所有的yes替换为no [root@localhost ~]# sed 's/yes/no/g' test.txt#删除第三四行的内容 [root@localhost ~]# sed '3,4d' test.txt
[root@localhost ~]# cat quote.txt
The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90.It was an evening of splendid music and company.Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.The local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]# sed '2p' quote.txt The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90. It was an evening of splendid music and company. It was an evening of splendid music and company. Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10. The local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '2p' quote.txt It was an evening of splendid music and company.[root@localhost ~]#
number:指定输入文件的唯一行号number1,number2:'1,3p' 匹配number1到number2支间的所有行first~step:指定从first行开始,每个step几行打印$:代表最后一行addr1,+N:匹配addr1以及后面的N行内容/regexp/ 匹配正则[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '1,3'p quote.txt [root@localhost ~]# sed -n '1~2p' quote.txt [root@localhost ~]# sed -n '1,+1'p quote.txt
/pattern/:匹配模式#匹配单词evening,并打印此行[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/evening/p' quote.txt It was an evening of splendid music and company.[root@localhost ~]#
在查找时,sed返回指定单词的许多行,为了返回结果更加精确,我们可以将行号和模式进行结合使用模式与行号混合方法时:格式为:line_number,/patter/ #行号与匹配逗号隔开[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/The/p' quote.txt[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '4,/The/p' quote.txt
$对于元字符,使用转义字符\屏蔽其原有含义/\$/p[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/\$/'p quote.txt
从第一行匹配到最后一行 1,$[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '1,$'p quote.txt
匹配任意字母,.*ing[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/.*ing/'p quote.txt
打印文件第一行sed -n '1p' quote.txt
sed -n '$'p quote.txt
/pattern/=[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/music/=' quote.txt 2[root@localhost ~]# sed -n '/music/p' quote.txt It was an evening of splendid music and company.[root@localhost ~]# sed -n -e '/musci/p' -e '/musci/=' quote.txt [root@localhost ~]# sed -n -e '/music/p' -e '/music/=' quote.txt It was an evening of splendid music and company.2[root@localhost ~]# cat -n quote.txt 1 The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90. 2 It was an evening of splendid music and company. 3 Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10. 4 The local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]# sed -e '/music/=' quote.txt The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90.2It was an evening of splendid music and company.Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.The local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]#
a/ 附加文本可以指定文本一行或多行附加到指定行,若不指定文本放置位置,缺省放置在每一行后面格式: [address]a\text\text\text\ root@localhost ~]# sed "/company/a\I love Beijing Tian'anmen " quote.txt [root@localhost ~]# sed "a\I love Beijing Tian'anmen " quote.txt
[root@localhost ~]# vim add.sed[root@localhost ~]# cat add.sed #!/bin/sed -f/company/a\I love my gril friend. \I love myself.[root@localhost ~]# [root@localhost ~]# chmod u+x add.sed [root@localhost ~]# ./add.sed [root@localhost ~]# ./add.sed quote.txt The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90.It was an evening of splendid music and company.I love my gril friend. I love myself.Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.The local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]#
i/ 插入文本插入文本类似于附加文本,只是在指定行前插入[root@localhost ~]# vim insert.sed[root@localhost ~]# cat insert.sed #!/bin/sed -f4 i\Welcome to Beijing Tu Ling XueYuan [root@localhost ~]# [root@localhost ~]# chmod u+x insert.sed [root@localhost ~]# ./insert.sed quote.txt The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90.It was an evening of splendid music and company.Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.Welcome to Beijing Tu Ling XueYuan The local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]#
[address[,address]] c\text/text/………………[root@localhost ~]# vim cha.sed[root@localhost ~]# chmod +x cha.sed [root@localhost ~]# ./cha.sed quote.txt 北京图灵学院欢迎您!It was an evening of splendid music and company.Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.The local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]# cat -n quote.txt 1 The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90. 2 It was an evening of splendid music and company. 3 Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10. 4 The local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]# cat -n cha.sed 1 #!/bin/sed -f 2 /honeysuckle/ c\ 3 北京图灵学院欢迎您![root@localhost ~]#
[root@localhost ~]# vim Supper.sed[root@localhost ~]# [root@localhost ~]# cat Supper.sed #!/bin/sed -f1 c\北京图灵学院欢迎您~~~/evening/ i\欢迎来到北京图灵学院学习~~~3 a\我们的课程包含python,java,数据分析,前端,php,linux$ c\北京图灵学院祝愿学业有成~~[root@localhost ~]# chmod u+x Supper.sed [root@localhost ~]# ./Supper.sed quote.txt 北京图灵学院欢迎您~~~欢迎来到北京图灵学院学习~~~It was an evening of splendid music and company.Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.我们的课程包含python,java,数据分析,前端,php,linux北京图灵学院祝愿学业有成~~[root@localhost ~]#
格式:[address[,address]]d #可以是的行也可以是匹配删除第一行:删除最后一行:使用正则进行删除:[root@localhost ~]# sed '1d' quote.txt It was an evening of splendid music and company.Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.The local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]# sed '$d' quote.txt The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90.It was an evening of splendid music and company.Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.[root@localhost ~]# sed '/music/d' quote.txt The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90.Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.The local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]#
格式:[address[,address]] s\ x/y/[gpwn]s 通知sed为替换操作,查询x,替换为yg 全局替换,默认替换第一次匹配到的p 标准输出,加p使-n不生效w 替换输出文件为,另存为#替换company为COMPANY[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/company/CONMPANY/' quote.txt#替换小写the[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/The/the/' quote.txt [root@localhost ~]# sed 's/The/the/' quote.txt the The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90.It was an evening of splendid music and company.Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.the local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/The/the/g' quote.txt the the honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90.It was an evening of splendid music and company.Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.the local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]# #从$90中删除$符号[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/\$//' quote.txt The The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly 90.It was an evening of splendid music and company.Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.The local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]# #文件另存为w 存储数据文件[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/splendid/HELLO/' quote.txt > sed.out[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/splendid/HELLO/w' quote.txtsed: couldn't open file : No such file or directory[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/splendid/HELLO/w sed.out' quote.txtThe The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90.It was an evening of HELLO music and company.Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.The local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]# cat sed.out It was an evening of HELLO music and company.[root@localhost ~]#
如果要附加或修改一个字符串,可以使用(&)命令&命令保存发现模式,以便重新调用,然后把他放在替换字符串里面先给出一个被替换模式,然后是一个准备附加在第一个模式后的另一个模式,并且后面带有&,这样修改模式将放在匹配模式之前[root@localhost ~]# sed -n 's/floor/FLLOR &/p' quote.txt[root@localhost ~]# sed -n 's/band/ Welcome TLXY &/'p quote.txt
使用 > 文件重定向[root@localhost ~]# [root@localhost ~]# sed '1,2 w file' quote.txt The The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90.It was an evening of splendid music and company.Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.The local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]# cat filfile filedt filrft [root@localhost ~]# cat fileThe The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90.It was an evening of splendid music and company.[root@localhost ~]#
格式: address r filename[root@localhost ~]# vim r.txt[root@localhost ~]# cat r.txt I love my girl friend[root@localhost ~]# sed '/company/r r.txt' quote.txt The The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90.It was an evening of splendid music and company.I love my girl friendToo bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.The local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.[root@localhost ~]# sed '$r r.txt' quote.txt The The honeysuckle band played all night long for inly $90.It was an evening of splendid music and company.Too bad the disco floor fell through at 23:10.The local nurse MIss P.Neave was in attendance.I love my girl friend[root@localhost ~]#
q有时候需要在模式匹配首次出现后退出,以便执行其他脚本指令格式: address q[root@localhost ~]# cat q.txt Line 1.bandLine 2.badLine 3.wasLine 4.was[root@localhost ~]#[root@localhost ~]# sed '/.*a.*/q' q.txt Line 1.band[root@localhost ~]#
[root@localhost ~]# cat a.txt 121Line 1.band3232Line 2.bad342345234Line 3.was342342Line 4.was[root@localhost ~]# [root@localhost ~]# sed 's/^[0-9]*/Start /g' a.txt Start Line 1.bandStart Line 2.badStart Line 3.wasStart Line 4.was[root@localhost ~]# sed 's/^[0-9]*//g' a.txt Line 1.bandLine 2.badLine 3.wasLine 4.was[root@localhost ~]#